Tuesday 30 April 2013

We have a Call Duckling :)

Well, the broody Pekin, done what incubator 3 couldn't do and successfully hatched a Call Duckling :), just the one so far. We did have another pip but it died :(, we also have another one that is internally pipped, so fingers crossed for better luck with this one. I'm not sure anything is happening with the remaining 4 eggs though. 

We have had our move confirmed today and we'll be moving on May 11, so not long to get things sorted and packed :o...Still, the sooner we move, the sooner things can get back to normal. I shall start saving eggs for the incubators from the weekend, so one can go on as soon as we're in and it's set up. I plan on setting incubator 2 with eggs from our chickens and incubator 1 will be duck eggs, hopefully Miniature Silver Appleyards, some East Indians and a few White Runners.

I have had a lovely evening in the garden tonight, just watching the birds and thinking how much they're like their new houses and runs :). I also put our 6 week old ducklings in with our adult Calls for a few hours this afternoon so they can get used to each other, as I'll be having them all in the same house when we move.

Eggs have been ok today, we've had
2 Call Duck
1 Turkey
2 Black Pekin
2 Lavender Pekin
1 Buff Pekin

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