Tuesday 2 April 2013

Incubator 2 extremely loaded :)

I've had a very busy day today, in fact. I only stopped working about half an hour ago. I've dismantled one and a half of the big double house/runs that I'd built. One thing I did discover today, is that since I built my first chicken house which had bits falling off all the time, I've certainly learnt to build them much more robust. These houses are a bugger to dismantle, especially as I'm a tight git and want to save the wire, nails and the best bits of wood!. So now, I've got the other half of one of the double house/runs to take down tomorrow and also need to move the Polands, as the wind quite often blows the door open on their run and this afternoon the wind decided to take the door right off it's hinges. I was thinking of moving them and the Buff Pekins, so I can dismantle the 4 breeding pens at the end of the garden, so now fate has just moved it forward a day!.

I had 16 chicks out of incubator 2, they are all now enjoying themselves in the brooder. I had a couple of DIS and a couple that died around day 15-17, but overall, I'm happy with what I have.

I have also just set incubator 2 again
and would you believe, I have squeezed 60 eggs in it!!!!

They are:

8 Friesian Fowl
4 Lavender Pekin
3 Legbar
3 Poland
5 Silver Partridge Pekin (a couple might be Polands)
3 Yokohama Bantam
3 Black Mottled Pekin
11 Buff Pekin
7 Red Pekin
4 Lemon Cuckoo Pekin
2 Gold Partridge Pekin
7 Cuckoo Pekin

 No luck with the Call Duck eggs. I opened the 2 remaining this morning and although both ducklings were fully formed, they hadn't internally pipped or absorbed any of the yolk sack and were very wet, so, maybe I had the humidity too high throughout?, I've got the next 12 due to hatch on the 17th, so am now running the incubator dry until day 25. Fingers crossed that we will eventually hatch some Call Ducklings

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