Friday 19 April 2013

Little duckling survived the night :)

Woke up this morning and went downstairs expecting to see our little Call Duckling dead in the incubator, but when I got to the incubator, it was running around like a loony and seems fine :). The duckling is now out in the brooder with a Pekin chick to keep him company because I don't think we're going to get anymore hatch from this set.Still have some under a broody though that are due to hatch a week on Monday, lets hope she has better luck than me!

Took down another 2 runs and a house today, all the wood is de-nailed and ready for burning. I have also cleaned and disinfected the houses to put the Silkies and the Sablepoots in tonight, so their run can come down tomorrow. I have also moved the 5-6 weeks olds from their brooder into a hutch in the shed, cleaned the brooder out, disinfected it and have it ready for the next batch of chicks due this coming Monday.

Eggs we got today were:
1 Call Duck
1 Turkey
1 Lav Pekin
1 Black Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl

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