Friday 26 April 2013

Things starting to happen under the broody

I have been out and candled the eggs under the broody this evening. it gave me
something to do whilst we had a power cut....more about that in a minute. Once of the eggs under the broody is giving really good, strong pushes on the membranes, so hopefully will soon internally pip and we may actually get to successfully hatch a Call Duckling (well.....the broody might!)

As I just mentioned, we had a power cut tonight, so I was running around like a fool putting a nice thick pillow on the incubator and making an impromptu haybox for the 2 day old sooner as I had put them in there and within 1 second on putting a lid on it, the power came back on!!!!!..It was out for about 45 minutes....Anyway, chicks are back under their heat lamp and happy now. As for the pillow on the incubator....It worked!...the incubator only dropped 2 degree's and was soon back up to 37.6 :)

Not really done much else today, had a bit of a day off, but will have plenty of cleaning out to do tomorrow including all the brooders, Call Ducks, Growers and Turkeys.

As for eggs today, we've had
1 Call Duck
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Black Pekin
1 Buff Pekin

When I say 1 Call Duck egg, what I mean is I could only find 1 egg...chances are there's loads dotted around the garden somewhere lol 

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