Thursday 4 April 2013

Incubator 1 - day 14 candling

Crappy weather again today, with snow turning to sleet, turning back to snow and a biting wind to go with it too. Needless to day, I've only done the essentials outside today with the odd bit of cleaning out.

Most of the chicks are doing well, but I did find one dead in the brooder this morning and had to put another out if it's misery, as it had splayed legs, which wouldn't mend. All the others that had splayed legs are fine and running 'round like loonies though :).

I have just candled incubator 1, which is on day 14 and am pleased to say that I have 31 eggs developing nicely in there, would've been 32, but I dropped and cracked a Cuckoo Pekin egg :(. One of the Yokohama bantams didn't get past the last candling along with one Cuckoo Pekin. Still with 31 eggs at this stage, I'd predict a hatch of 24-25, which I'll be more than happy with :)

On the egg front today we've had
2 Call Duck
1 Red Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl

I'm sure this weather is having a big effect on the egg laying::(

Tomorrow, I plan on doing the stuff I was planning on doing today (taking the rest of the double house/run apart and trying to roll up all the wire, as I'm tight and will be using this in the new place :)


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