Friday 12 April 2013

We have our Call Ducklings :)

Anne very kindly brought our Call Ducklings 'round today :), well she did pick up some eggs and the Sebright girl, who I hear is already a smash with her new husband :)

I had to move the duckling within an hour of getting them as they were bigger than I expected and, boy do they make a mess!..They gone through almost 6 litres of water since they arrived!..My first job tomorrow after letting the birds out will be to clean out the ducklings, and I think this will be a daily chore for the next few weeks.

Not really been out to do much with the chickens today as the weather is back to it's usual crap. So all I've done is move the 7 week olds into the outdoor grower pen, cleaned out there brooder and put the ducklings in it and cleaned out the Lavender Pekins.

On the egg front we've had:
1 Call Duck
1 Turkey
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 White Crested Poland

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