Friday 5 April 2013

Another day not gone to plan!

I was full of good intentions when I wrote my blog last night, but when I woke up this morning, the good intentions had turned into lazy intentions, so after letting the birds out and feeding them, I got back into bed to read for a while....anyway, come 4 pm, I wake up :O lol (did read u
ntil around 2pm), so have been out now and cleaned the 3 week old's brooder and cleared 3 cockerels out of there. I'm sure there's more cockerels but can't be certain which ones yet, other than a couple of Serama, which I want to grow on a bit and see which one we want to keep.

I did roll up the chicken wire though..well most of it and took off the wire that was remaining on the sides of the double house/run, so now it's just a case of taking the framework apart tomorrow and having a big bonfire with all the wood that I'm not keeping. I'll also be candling incubator 2 (all 60 eggs!) and the Call Duck eggs under the broody tomorrow, so results will be posted on here.

On the egg front today we've had:
2 Call Duck
1 Turkey Egg
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Buff Pekin
1 Silver Partridge Pekin
1 Poland

I've also been taking some pictures of our 9-11 week old growers, I'm really pleased with the quality of them all :)

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