Sunday 14 April 2013

Ducklings went for a swim today :)

We had a lovely day out at Uppark House today and went for Dinner in Petersfield, so had a chicken and children free day :) Once we got home though, I did have some work to do cleaning out brooders. So I thought I'd let the ducklings have a little swim whilst I cleaned out there house AGAIN!.   

Incubator 3 is now on lock down, so hopefully soon, we'll see some progress from the Call Duck eggs, but I'm not holding my breath though, I got a feeling that incubator 3 is just not up to the job. Oh well, if none hatch again, I'll just wait until we've moved and set some in incubator 1.            
One of our Silver Birchin Pekin's laid an egg today :), so that's gone in incubator 1 which I set yesterday.
 On the egg front today, we have had:
1 Red Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Silver Birchin Pekin
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Poland
1 Call Duck

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