Tuesday 23 April 2013

Incubator 2 hatch day 1, sunburn and lots of washing up!

We've had 11 chicks out of incubator 2 so far with another 20 pipped. The first 10 have just been moved into the brooder. So far we have had 1 Yokohama bantam, 1 Friesian Fowl, 2 Legbars (both
girls) and the rest are Pekins of all sorts of colours. I also took 3 dead eggs out of the incubator as well as a couple earlier today, so I'll be happy with 30-35 chicks from this batch.

I have been out in the garden all day today and managed to get sun burnt arms, face and neck. I didn't realise the sun was so strong, but it's been a lovely, almost summery day today. I've managed to get loads done. First off, I had to help someone dismantle our 10 x 6 shed which we put on freecycle as it's falling apart, after that, I cleared up all the mess left behind, including a nest of 5 Call Duck eggs that was under the shed.

After that, I cleared up the front garden, then went back to the back garden and washed up all the drinkers and feeders which took about 3 hours as there's around 100 items altogether! (the photo is about 1/4 of them all). I had the Silkies and the Sablepoots roaming the garden with the ducks and Turkeys and was delightful to be working away with nosey birds that keep coming up to see what you are doing!, after that I cleaned out the duck brooder and went to pick up a new bed for my step son. so now, apart from putting the birds to bed, I plan on doing bugger all for the rest of the evening!

On the egg front today, we have had
1 Call Duck
2 Buff Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin (think the other girl may be laying now)
1 Black Pekin
1 Freisian Fowl

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