Tuesday 9 April 2013

Incubator 1 hatch day 1

OK, first thing....I got my dates wrong! Incubator 1 was due to hatch on the 10th, not the 11th, which explains the early hatching much better!. Had one little Lavender Pekin hatched when we woke up this morning, it's now been joined by 10 more. So far, we've hatched:

3 Lemon Cuckoo Pekin
2 Lavender Pekin
1 Cuckoo Pekin
4 White Pekin
1 Buff Pekin

With another 11 more already pipped or cheeping in their shells. I'd say we're on target for atleast 25 out of 31 hatching. But one of the eggs was obviously incorrectly marked, as we have a slight bigger, clean legged chick in the incubator, which to me looks like a Friesian Fowl. The only clean legged birds we put in the incubator was the Friesians and Yokohama Bantams, but it's too big to be a Yoko. The only other possibility is that it was a Light Sussex Bantam Egg, that I got mixed up when collecting the eggs?, I should be able o answer that in a few weeks.

The first 10 chicks are now in the brooder, as we'd never get to sleep tonight with so many running around and cheeping in the incubator!

Not done anything else with the chickens today, as we went to view our new house again and start to make plans on how to lay things out (including the chickens). The big bonus for us is that it has a very big and deep pond, which is in an ideal place to pen off for our ducks. Also being such a deep pond, it will enable us to get more ornamental ducks (especially divers) at a later date.

On the egg front, today we have had a quiet day with just the following
2 Call Duck
1 Turkey
1 Lavender Pekin
1 White Crested Poland
1 Friesian Fowl

No major work planned for tomorrow, but I do have to clean out the Friesian Fowl, Old English Game Bantams, Millifluer Pekins and the 6 week old growers.

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