Monday 1 April 2013

More chicks :)

We have 15 (I think) hatched so far and 3 more pipped. They're all Pekins except the Sebright/Silkie cross I mentioned yesterday. For some reason, we've had a few splayed legs, but a plaster does the trick. maybe I should get some rubber matting on go on the floor of the Corti for hatching? as I never have a problem with splayed legs in the Brinsea.

So, sometime tomorrow, we should be setting incubator 2 again.

I've started dismantling the houses and runs that are not in use, ready for the move. I've taken 2 arks apart today, kept a few bits of useful ply and 2x2 which is always handy for making perches. I have 2 blocks of 6 x 4 double house/runs to dismantle next and a couple of other houses.

Very quiet on eggs today, just had
2 Call Duck
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Red Pekin
1 Yokohama Bantam

Our Turkey girl is being very noisy at the moment and doesn't seem to be able to settle when she's in the run, so I think she may be coming into lay, as her behaviour is very similar to the chickens when they first come into lay.

Still nothing on the Call Duck eggs, I think I'll have to admit defeat tomorrow with the 2 remaining and open them up to see what went wrong. I have a dozen more due on the 17th, so hopefully, I can work out what went wrong and fix it in time for the next hatch.

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