Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter chicks :)

We woke up this morning to the cheeping of a little Buff Pekin chick in the incubator :), We now have 4 hatched: 1 Buff Pekin, 1 Red Pekin, 1 Cuckoo Pekin and one other which I will get to in a minute!. At the last count there were 13 pipped, so looks to be well on target for 15 chicks out of 20 eggs.

Now, back to that other chick. Question for you. When is a Silver Sebright NOT a Silver Sebright?

Answer: When it has five toes and black skin!.

Yes, our Sebright egg, is obviously a left over from our girls previous home, as she's not been in any birds other than our Silver Sebright boy since we had them. I thought this was his, as the previous incubation had a clear Sebright egg in it. So, essentially, we have a Sebright x Silkie (silver laced Silkie or Silkbright anyone?) :)...We'll just have to see what it grows into

Call Duck eggs aren't fairing too well, I think the temperature on the incubator was way too low for the first week or so. I opened one egg up today and the chick was alive, but hadn't absorbed any of the yolk, needless to say, it sadly died not long after :(. One egg looks dead and the other one has movement in it, so now I've put it in with the chicks hatching in incubator 2 and will give it a few more days.

Another sad note: Our Blue Pekin cockerel was dead this morning, he had a bit of a purple comb, so it could indicate heart trouble. Anyway, we sold our Cuckoo Pekin girls last night, so the Cuckoo cockerel has been given a reprieve for a while and is in with the 2 blue girls.

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