Saturday 30 March 2013

Poland laid an egg and we're on course for easter chicks :)

Our Poland girl laid an egg today, although I'm not sure if it's the first one?, You see, one of our Silver Partridge Pekin hens had a habit of jumping over the fence into the Polands pen and I
've found eggs in there twice before, so assumed they were hers as both days we found the eggs, the Pekin had been in there. But now that Silver Partridge Pekin has been sold and there was an egg in the Polands house :)

Sold the Legbars today, so have had a move around again. Now we have the Silkies in the pen the Light Sussex Bantams were in and the Sablepoots in the Legbars former pen. I've also moved the 3 Wyandotte bantams into a double hutch and now have the 8 week old and 10 week olds together in the bigger growers house, leaving a double hutch free for the next lot to be moved outside in a week or two.

Easter chicks are on there way with a few of the eggs in incubator 2 internally pipped and a bit of cheeping. 2 of the Call Duck eggs have also internally pipped, so fingers crossed for chicks and ducklings tomorrow :)

Still quite with eggs, today we have had
1 Red Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Cuckoo Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl
1 White Crested Poland

At the moment I have over 50 eggs to decide which ones to put in incubator 2 after the hatch, might even be able to squeeze them all in there.

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