Wednesday 6 March 2013

Wooooo Call Duck eggs are fertile :) and Incubator 2 is cheeping

Thanks to the lovely weather yesterday and me getting on top of everything, I've had nothing to do today other than sell birds, collect eggs and buy some chick crumb.

All 4 Call Duck eggs are fertile, will take candling pics in a few days when it's clearer. I am now just leaving anymore eggs they lay in the nest box in the hope that one of the girls will sit on them, at the moment, we have 2 in there.

Incubator 2 is cheeping away with at least 2 Buff Pekins pipped.

We have sold 7 birds today which will cover feed costs for the rest of the month :), We sold 2 Pekins, 2 Buff Sussex, 2 Light Sussex and a couple of Polands. Still got plenty more to sell though
We've also had quite a few eggs today, our Red Pekins have now laid 4 eggs in the last 5 days and we're getting 2 eggs a day from our Cuckoo Pekins. So should have enough eggs to set incubator 2 again by the weekend :)

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