Tuesday 12 March 2013

Snow is melting :)

The snow is melting, and my wimpy chickens have been brave enough to venture out of their front doors today. Not really been out with them much today, had work to do indoors  + been watching the Papal Conclave. Most of you who don't know me, wouldn't know that I am an ecclesiastical historian, so pay great attention to such things. My money is on Peter Turkson or for a safe bet, Angelo Scola

We also picked up a pond for our ducks. We paid a grand total of £1.70 for it, you gotta love Ebay sometimes :) I'll be installing it once the weather is a bit better, as I don't really fancy trying to dig in frozen soil!. Both our Call Ducks are laying, as we had 2 eggs in the nest box this morning. We're hoping to get another couple of girls or at least another pair of Calls or Miniature Silver Appleyards at the sale on Saturday, I think 2 or 3 more girls will be enough for breeding.

We've had a good selection of eggs today: 2 Cuckoo Pekin, 1 Red Pekin, 1 Black Mottled Pekin, 1 Lavender Pekin, 1 Silver Sebright, 1 Buff Pekin, 1 White Pekin and 1 Light Sussex Bantam. I'm planning on swapping some of the eggs collected this week and will keep the rest to go in incubator 1 next week.

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