Saturday 2 March 2013

Incubator 1 candled, lost debit card and some chickens

I candled incubator 1 tonight and am glad to say that the new Cuckoo Pekin cockerel is doing his job, all bar one of the cuckoo eggs are fertile. There were 5 clear eggs altogether, a couple of Buff Pekin, 1 Lavender Pekin, 1 Cuckoo Pekin and 1 Black Pekin. All the rest ae developing nicely.

My wife and I had a nice few hours out today, well, was nice until we went to pay for our lunch only to discover the debit card wasn't in the wallet!!...Luckily, we had almost enough cash on us to pay for lunch and the very kind manager let us off the remaining £3. It turns out that when we were picking the chickens up yesterday, the card had fallen out of my pocket. Luckily, Scott found it in his shed this morning and will be sending it back to us on Monday.

I also sorted the new birds out today, there's now 11 less of  them!. We now have 4 Silver Dorkings, 2 Girls, 1 definite boy and 1 I think is a boy, but not confident enough to have got rid of him, 1 Cream Legbar girl. We also have 3 Blue Laced Wyandotte bantams, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam, a few large fowl Columbian Wyandottes, 2 Andu1 bantam Light Sussex (which we'll be keeping). Some large fowl Light and Buff Sussex, Barnvelders, a Black Silke x Wyandotte and a couple more Wyandotte Crosses.Obvious cockerels have benn dispatched, but I'm not 100% that all we have left are girls, only time will tell.

Our Red Pekin hen laid her first egg this morning, both Cuckoo Pekins laid, 1 Buff, Light Sussex bantam and 1 OEG hen.

Set 4 Call Duck eggs tonight in the borrowed incubator, so will keep my fingers crossed for them as we've never hatched ducks before.

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