Monday 18 March 2013

Incubator 1 hatch day 2

13 chicks out so far, 11 Pekin, 1 Light Sussex Bantam and 1 Yokohama bantam, still 7 or 8 eggs in the incubator.

The cat ended up having 4 kittens, and as we suspected the second kitten sadly died shortly after my post last night. She has 3 strong healthy girls though, all of them and their mother are doing fine.

More spring cleaning today, so not had much chance to do stuff outside, not that I'm missing anything with all the wet and muddy crap in the garden!. I do  need to get out and clean the brooders out tomorrow along with the Black Mottled Pekin, Lavender Pekin, Silkies, Sablepoots and Call Ducks.

Sold 2 hybrids today, so we are now left with 3 Black Rocks. On the egg front, been very quiet again, off the top of my head, we've had
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Buff Pekin
1 Red Pekin
1 Cuckoo Pekin
1 Black Rock (but that doesn't count)

I also checked the eggs I wasn't sure about in incubator 2 and sadly all our White Pekins were clear, so was our Friesian Fowl :(

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