Wednesday 13 March 2013

Pond installation day 1

Started to put in our new pond today, thought I'd manage to get it all done today, but obviously, I forgot I'm getting old and not as fit as I used to be!, so I've done half of it :P. I've got it raised on a small hill. Thought this would be good to get our compost heaps down. All started off well with cutting the turf from under where the pond is going to be so I could put the turf on the sides of the hill..No problem with that, then I thought I better start shoveling the compost, here's where the problems started for my seemingly failing fitness!. Our compost heaps are in the far corner of the garden, some 170 feet from where the pond was going to go. We have chicken arks up the sides, in front of it, so couldn't get the wheelbarrow (with a flat tyre) to the heap, so had to shovel the compost in to a bucket, then empty the buckets in to the wheelbarrow before trying to push (or pull) a heavily loaded wheelbarrow with a flat tyre back 170 foot to the pond site, I've done about 20 barrow loads today and I think it's fair to say I ache like I've been working done the mines for 18 hours non stop!. One compost heap has now gone and I've made a dent in the other one. Hopefully I'll finish tomorrow and use most of the compost so the bloody rats that live there will have to bugger off and find a new home (hopefully not in our garden). So at present, the pond is set, the hill is building up the sides, and I just hope I have the strength and weather to finish it tomorrow. Other than that, not really had time for much more today.

Bit of a turn up with the new Pope, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio who is to be known as Francis I, named after Francis of Assisi, the friar who founded the Franciscan monastic order in 1209. I don't think many people even considered Bergoglio as a serious contender, but I think it's a highly political move by the cardinals to have a very pious and humble pope to try to restore the catholic church's image, rather than risk a radical  who may well over haul a heck of a lot of outdated dogma. He looks a very likeable person and if he conducts his office how he has conducted his previous live, I'm sure the church will reap the rewards of having such a person at it's head.

Back to the chickens now, before I bore you all to death lol. Eggs have been a bit down today with 2 Cuckoo Pekin, 1 Gold Partridge Pekin, 1 Friesian Fowl, 1 Old English Game Bantam, 1 Yokohama Bantam and 1 Lemon Cuckoo Pekin.

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