Saturday 9 March 2013

Incubator 2 hatch day 3 & shopping in Asda

Woke up this morning to one more Serama chick in the incubator, the other 5 eggs show no sign of progress, so I shall candle again tonight (just to be sure) before I turn the incubator off and give it a good clean. I have decided against setting it again tonight and thought I'd do it tomorrow so we should have chicks hatching on Easter Sunday :). We currently have 37 eggs to go in the incubator (I can usually get around 40 bantam eggs in the Corti). To my great surprise and delight, when I let the chickens out this morning I found an egg in my Friesian Fowls house. I have been trying to get her to lay for the last 3 months, had her in the shed with lights for 2 months before giving up and putting them back outside. Friesian Fowl are usually quite early layers, but our girl is around 7 months old!..At least she is laying now and I have an egg from her to put in the incubator tomorrow :)

I made the stupid mistake of going shopping with my wife and kids in Asda today...It only took us 3 hours...1 hour of that was my daughter, Annabel deciding what presents she'd like for her 8th birthday on Tuesday, the rest of the time was spend trying to fight our way through the aisles, on top of that, due to the dodgy trolley wheel and weight of all the stuff in the trolley, I have pulled a muscle in my stomach, so spent the last quarter of the shop in pain, I did well though, I didn't threaten to run anyone over with the trolley (something I usually feel like doing before we get to the end of the first aisle.

When we got back, I moved the Sebrights in to their new home and cleaned out a couple of the brooders and duck house, making a nice nest in the duck house to try to encourage one of our girls to sit on the eggs in there.

I shall candle incubator 1 tonight (due to hatch a week on Monday), so will post results tomorrow.

Just 2 more things to mention. Don't forget it's mothers day tomorrow...if you do forget, your mother will make sure you don't forget it for the rest of the year!! and finally, we have another cold snap on the way in the south of England, so don't forget to empty your drinkers out at night

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