Friday 29 March 2013

Hurry up ducklings!

Slight progress from the Call Duck eggs, there is now bulging in the membrane into the
air sac, so looks like they are trying to internally pip. The one I made a hole in is still going strong too, so just gotta be patient a little longer.

I cleaned out the brooders and a few houses today including the duck house, where I put a small crate to use as a nest box, put 8 eggs in there (did have 9, but one was damaged), so hopefully, it'll be more appealing and one of the girls will sit on the eggs soon.

We have sold a few Pekins today and the Light Sussex Bantams. So have moved the Silkies into the House the Light Sussex were in. We still plenty more to go in preparation for our move at the end of May.

On the egg front, today we have had.

1 Cuckoo Pekin
1 Silver Partridge Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Black Mottled Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Call Duck

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