Wednesday 20 March 2013

More duck eggs set and incubator 1 fully loaded

Put 12 Call Duck eggs in incubator 3 this morning, so it now has 16 Call Duck eggs in it :). I have also set incubator 1 again with the following eggs:

5 Lemon Cuckoo Pekin
2 Lavender Pekin
4 Cuckoo Pekin
4 Red Pekin
4 White Pekin
3 Buff Pekin
5 Silver Partridge Pekin (Buff or Gold Partridge cockerel)
3 Gold Partridge Pekin
3 Yokohama Bantams
1 Silver Sebright
5 Friesian Fowl

Lets hope the Friesian Fowl and White Pekins are fertile this time. The eggs are due to hatch on April 10th

Not really had much time outside today, as I have been busy indoors, I have advertised the birds we are parting with, you can find the advert here:

Still haven't decided 100% which groups of Pekins to keep, but I do know that we're definately keeping the Lavenders and a mixed group (not sure which cockerel(s) yet, and am thinking possibly the Millifluers?

I plan on sorting out the brooders for the 4 and 6 week olds tomorrow and clear out any cockerels.

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