Friday 15 March 2013

Incubator 2 candling - the results

I have just candled the eggs in incubator 2 on day 5, and all seem to be doing well, except my White Pekins, which all look clear. so do my 2 Friesian Fowl. I'm keeping them in there for a couple more days just to make sure), no idea why this is, the cockerel has always been very fertile in the past, maybe now he's 3, he's not up to the job so much? I couple of the buffs and a couple of gold partridge were clear too, but I'm not too worried about that, as there's plenty fertile from both groups. I'm really pleased that my reds and Sebrights are all fertile :). I've also stopped turning incubator 1 and just added water. All look to be doing well except possibly a Buff Pekin and one of the Yokohama bantams look like they stopped around day 14/15. Should still get 20 odd chicks hatch though.

Very busy day tomorrow, as I'll be at the sale. We have our Old English Game quartet listed along with 4 Wyandotte bantam pullets (2 buff laced blue, 1 barred and 1 silver laced). We're also hoping to get another duck or 2 and I'm due to pick up a pair of Silver Partridge Pekins (so I'll have a cockerel again!) and a new Buff Pekin cockerel. Not sure what, if any bantams we'll buy, it all depends on prices, as there's not really much we're desperate for.

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