Thursday 28 March 2013

Rubbish day for eggs. Incubator 2 on lock down

If I may say so myself, today as been total crap for eggs, seems like most of our girls fancied the day off. All We've managed is 1 Call Duck, 1 Red Pekin, 1 Lemon Cuckoo Pekin and 1Buff Pekin.....That's it!!!. 39 Girls and 4 poxy eggs!

On another note though, incubator 2 is now on lock down, ready for the hatch on Sunday. 2 eggs look like they've died, but the other 21 look fine, so we'll see. I think I'll be happy with 15 from this hatch. Still not much progress with the Call Duck eggs, although I did make a hole in one of them this morning to see what is going on and there is movement, so at least they're not dead! I've checked again about half an hour ago and the one with the hole is still alive :) I just have to be patient and keep an eye on them.

Again, it's been another day where I've not been out much with the birds, although the bloody ducks have been giving me a head ache today. Over the last couple of days, they've discovered next doors garden, so I've had to jump over the fence to get them. In the end I got fed up, so last time I got them, I put them in with the Turkeys, then when I put them to bed this evening, I trimmed their wings a bit more, so hopefully that will put paid to their little excursions tomorrow..If that fails, then they'll have to be in with the Turkeys until we move (the new house has a 6 foot fence all the way around it, whereas here, we only have a 3 foot fence on one side)

I have finished and uploaded my wife's website, I'm pretty pleased with it. Feel free to take a look at

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