Thursday 7 March 2013

Incubator 2 hatch day 1

 Woke up this morning to 2 Buff Pekin chicks cheeping away in the incubator. Now there's 7 chicks out, 2 Buff Pekin, 3 Black Pekin, 1 OEG Bantam and 1 Sablepoot. The Serama's and Dutch have also started to pip now, so I expect a few more to be out by the morning.

It's been a miserable day outside today, so have spent most of the day in doors reading and watching stuff on Iplayer, whilst my wife finished off one of the stories for her upcoming horror short stories anthology.
 I will have to get outside and have a bit of a re-arrange tomorrow. Now that I no longer have the Salmon Pekins, I can move another group into the house they were in. I'm thinking either the Sebrights, Sablepoots or Silkies.

As promised, I've taken a photo of the candled Call Duck eggs this evening, they're so much clearer than chicken eggs, I'm quite excited about how much you'll see of the ducklings as they develop.

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