Monday 11 March 2013

More sodding snow!

Woke up this morning to it being all white outside and bloody freezing too. I swear we have the wimpiest chickens ever...took some of them 3 hours to come out of their houses today and when they did, they just went and sat under the houses stayed there....well, that's the ones that did venture out, plenty stayed in the houses all day. No such problem with the ducks or turkeys, in fact, the ducks seemed to love it, just roaming around the garden leaving their little webbed foot prints everywhere. It was a nightmare putting the chickens to bed tonight, as most were still under there houses, so I has to shoo them out with a stick, catch them quickly and put them in their houses.

I did have a bit of a change around in the brooders today. I moved the 5 week olds into one of the hutches in the shed with the electric hen, moved the 3 week olds into the brooder the 5 week olds were in and moved the 1 and a half week olds into the brooder the 3 week olds were in, so that gives me a brooder for next Mondays hatch. I think after this hatch, I shall set more eggs in incubator 1, but will hold off incubator 2 after the next hatch in there (Easter Sunday), so will be able to set both incubators together, it will make brooding easier.

Had another egg from our Friesian Fowl today and also one of our Lemon Cuckoo Pekins also laid an egg. Both eggs are now in incubator 2 :)

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