Wednesday 27 March 2013

Another lot of growers moved outside

Another cold day here, but I have moved some 7-8 week olds out form the shed into a double hutch.There is 5 Welsummer Bantams, 1 Legbar, 1 Red Shouldered Yokohama, 2 Buff Pekin and  1 Cuckoo Pekin. They all seem happy enough in there and they'll stay in there until they're either sold or move up to the next stage (around 12 weeks) when they'll be moved into a bigger house and run. Been busy finishing off my wife's website today, and just waiting for a bit of writing from her for the finishing touches, then, if all goes to plan, it'll be online and going live tomorrow sometime.

I've checked the Friesian Fowl and Sebright eggs in incubator 1 and still not sure on a couple of them, but 3 Friesian Fowl were definately clear and rattling, so they're now in the bin. I need to get some new batteries for the candler as it's just about doing a job, but nowhere near as bright as it should be. Nothing on the Call Duck eggs yet, today is day 25 and last check (around 2pm) there was no sign of internal pipping, fingers crossed we'll get at least a couple of hatch.

The eggs we've had today are:

1 Black Mottled Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Silver Partridge Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Lemon Cuckoo Pekin
1 White Pekin
1 Red Pekin
1 Cuckoo Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Legbar
and 2 Call Duck

I have kept the call duck eggs in their nest this time to see if either girl will sit on them, at the moment, there's 7 eggs in there.

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