Monday 22 April 2013

Incubator 2 - the first one is out :)

The first chick is out, it's the little Yokohama bantam that pipped yesterday. It seemed to have got a bit stuck, so I just helped it get the last bit of shell off as the membranes were drying out and sticking to the chick. There's plenty more than have pipped either externally or internally and lots of cheeping, so I would expect to see a few chicks in the incubator in the morning including our Friesian Fowls and Legbars :)

I have had a well earned day off today after all the work over the weekend and even had the luxury of an afternoon nap (well I am getting old!!). So all I have really done with the birds today is let them out, check eggs and put them to bed. I did let my 6 week olds out for the day today and they loved it. They'll be out full time in a couple of weeks or so.

I've not really got anything specific planned for tomorrow, but I do have a "to do" list which includes washing all the feeders and drinkers (we have about 30 of each!), so not a quick or easy job, but if it's warm and sunny, I'll fill a bowl up and wash them all in the garden. Of course the duck brooder will need cleaning out again tomorrow (although the ducks are outside all day now, they still make a mess!) and the first batch of new chicks will go in the brooder.

Very quiet on eggs today with just
1 Buff Pekin
1 Black Pekin
1 Call Duck
1 Turkey

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