Thursday 11 April 2013

Busy day, duckings back on and good news :)

Where do I start today??...Well, first off, the bad news. Sadly our Silver Sebright Boy passed away during the night. Given that he had a bright purple comb, I'd suggest it was something to do with his heart. Good news. The person I was getting the ducklings from is after a Sebright girl, so have arranged a swap :). So will now be getting 2 ducklings.

I have now moved the Buff Pekins into the run that the Lemon Cuckoo Pekins were in. The Lemon Cuckoo cockerel is now keeping the Siver Sebright and our Silver Partridge Pekin girls company. This move enabled me to take down the Buff Pekins pen and houses, so have spent the day taking nails out of wood and salvaging what I could. I have also taken down the run that the Black Motted Pekins were in, which was made of 6 x 3 run panes, so they will be very handy in our new place :)

As expected the remaining 4 eggs in incubator 1 showed no further signs of development, so it is now sat empty until Saturday when I set the final lots of eggs before our move.

One very good bit of news is that Charmain has been invited to submit her anthology "The Lust for Blood" to a big publisher in London :)

On the egg front, today we have had:
1 Turkey
2 Buff Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Red Pekin
and 1 of the Lavender Pekins looks like she's laying now (she also laid one at about the same time last night)

I thought I'd post a photo of the kittens, who will be 4 weeks old on Sunday and they are starting to be right sods now lo

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