Tuesday 16 April 2013

Call Duckling has internally pipped

One of the Call Ducklings in incubator 3 has internally pipped, so fingers crossed this time we'll get at least one out alive.

I've had quite a busy day today, just tidying up my mess in the garden and had a big bonfire again tonight, got to say when the weather is like what it was today, then it's an absolute joy to be out there with the birds, especially with my Mr Turkey following me around.

We have now moved the Silver Birchin Pekin girls in with the Black Pekins and will move to Polands tomorrow, so I can take down another 2 pens. That should be it then until the week before we move when the last of them will come down and have to use temp pens (chicken wire and tree stakes!)

Have just checked the Turkey eggs and as expected, only one is fertile, so I will set another few once we move. I also had a sneak at a few of the other eggs in incubator 1 on day 3 and can see that Lavender Pekin and Poland are developing, but I don't think the White Pekin are though, but the eggs were 2 weeks old, so wasn't expecting much from them.

On the egg front today we have had:
1 Turkey
1 Call Duck
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Silver Birchin Pekin
1 Red Pekin
2 Buff Pekin
2 Lavender Pekin

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