Saturday 6 April 2013

Finally, a day gone to plan, Turkey eggs set and Incubator 2 candling results

Well, the weather has been lovely today, so I've managed to get out and finish off taking down the double house/run and another small house/run. Now I have a big pile of wood ready for a bonfire tomorrow evening:

I have just set 3 Turkey eggs, which I've put in with the Call Duck eggs for a week, until I set incubator 1 again and I'll put the week old Turkey eggs (assuming they're fertile) in with the chicken eggs, so that all hatch at the same time.

I have candled the Call Duck eggs under the broody and all 7 are fertile and developing. I have also candled incubator 2 and we have a definite 53 fertile, I took out 1 Gold Partridge Pekin, 1 Silver Partridge Pekin, 1 Buff Pekin and 1 Friesian Fowl as they were all clear. It also looks like the Polands are clear, but I'll give them a couple more days.

 Hopefully, have a bit of a rest again tomorrow, as this winter has seemed to have left me rather unfit and I'm knackered after all the work I've done today

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