Wednesday 17 April 2013

Incbator 1 candling - the results. Duckling ALMOST out

I have candled inculbator 1 today and all seem fertile apart from a couple of the White Pekins and t
here's a couple of Yokohama Bantam that I'm not sure about, so will check them again in a couple of days.

I've also candled incubator 2 which is on day 15 and took out 6 eggs, 2 Friesian Fowl, 2 Buff Pekin, 1 Silver Partridge Pekin and 1 Gold Partridge Pekin. Still left with 48 eggs in there, so should have a good hatch of around 40 :)

Incubator 3 has the Call Duck eggs in and one is almost out (assisted), but hasn't absorbed to yolk yet, so have put the top of the egg back on and will leave it until the morning. 4 more are pushing very strongly against the membranes, so hopefully, there will be more developments tomorrow.

Gave the growers house a good clean out today and disinfected the floor of their run (and house) with Stalosan F. It's great stuff, since I've been using it, I've had no problems at all with our chicks.

The Polands have now gone, so I have 2 pens ready to take down tomorrow or Friday, two of the Black Pekins have also gone, so now got 1 Black, 2 Silver Birchin and 1 Red Pekin still available along with the Old English Game.

Not so good for eggs today, we've had
1 Turkey
1 Call Duck
1 Red Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Poland

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