Sunday 7 April 2013

Duck eggs playing hide and seek?

I cleaned out the duck house today and thought I'd drain the pond and clean it too (well babybath!), I found 3 eggs in the pond and 2 under the duck house!..that's on top of the 11 in the duck house too!. I think from now on, I better look carefully when I'm checking for eggs!

I have mainly just been sorting out the wood and wire in the garden today, I've managed to rescue quite a bit of weld mesh :) and I've taken apart a couple of portable runs that I used to use for the chicks when I put them outside for a couple of hours. I've got a couple more of them to take apart tomorrow and light the bonfire before the rain comes in on Tuesday. Then there's no more taking apart until after the weekend when I'll be moving the Buff Pekins and taking their run and the 2 houses in there down.

On the egg front today we've had
1 Call Duck (in the house)
1 Lavander Pekin
1 Silver Partridge Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Red Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl

Lockdown day on incubator 1 tomorrow, so on Thursday should have another 25 or so chicks in the brooder and also hopefully we will be picking up 3 Call Ducklings this week too :)

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