Thursday 18 April 2013

100th post! and 1 Call Duckling out!

Well we've reached 100 posts on our blog...YAY!...or maybe it's a sign I need to get a life? lol

Anyway, one Call Duckling is out, but it was very weak. It's still in the incubator, but getting stronger and moving around a lot more, so hopefully by the morning, it'll be ok...if not, then I might have to put it out of it's misery. I've also helped another one today, but it's still absorbing the yolk, so it'll stay in the egg tonight unless it decides to pop out on it's own.

I've not been able to do much outside today because the wind has been terrible, but I did manage to clean out the Call Ducks and the duck brooder. Our Red Pekins have also gone, so now all we are left with to move on is our Black/Silver Birchin Pekins and our Old English Game bantams. We also have various growers for sale too.

It's going to be a busy week next week as we have a skip coming tomorrow because we need to have a big clear out before the move. We have a 10 x 6 shed in the garden that is just full of junk as well as a pile of junk at the bottom of the garden and various bits and pieces around the house and on top of this, I have 4 pens to take down and 1 house to dismantle.
To make matters more painful, we've also had to buy a new car today, as ours has run out of MOT and would cost more to get it through the MOT than it's worth, so we've listed it on eBay which will help cover the cost of the Astra we've just bought. My wife is picking it up tomorrow. On the plus side though, our Serama growers are coming on well, we have 3 girls and 2 boys, I'm waiting until the boys are around 10-12 weeks before deciding which one to keep :)

Not getting many eggs now that most of the birds have gone, today we've had
1 Lavender Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Silver Birchin Pekin
1 Call Duck

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