Wednesday 1 May 2013

Still have just the one Call Duckling

We still have just the one Call Duckling, but one is externally pipped and one is internally pipped, so we'll wait and see. The one that has hatched is doing really well :)

I have been extremely busy in the garden today, with the house move confirmed for the 11th, things have to get done. So I have moved the Yokohama Bantams into their temporary home and dismantled there house and run and have also dismantled the houses in the runs for the Black Pekins, but the last girl is going tomorrow, so I will take down the run after that too. I also cleaned out and sorted the brooder shed, so now you can actually find what your looking for in their lol.

The 6 week old ducklings have had another day in the Call Duck pen and been enjoying a swim :). 

Incubator 1 has just gone on lockdown and is due to hatch on Saturday, I had a quick candle of the eggs when I added water and no signs of internal pipping yet. There's only 17 chicken eggs all Pekins except a couple of Yokohama bantams and 1 Polish and 1 Turkey egg.

The eggs we have had so far  today are:
1 Call Duck
1 Turkey
2 Buff Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl
1 Yokohama Bantam.

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