Wednesday 8 May 2013

3 days and counting

Only 3 days now until the move and everything is sorted out as much as it can be until Friday. I even had the luxury of having a lay down and read me book this afternoon!

The birds have pretty much been left to themselves again today, although I spent a bit of time out there (mainly trying to catch the 3 young ducks!)

Tomorrow I will be cleaning out the brooders, stocking up on feed and bedding and hopefully (if my vouchers come) getting a new

One of the Buff Pekin hens appears to have gone broody...not the ideal time, but if she's still adamant after the move, I'll put some eggs under her (maybe I'll get her to hatch the Turkey eggs?)

On the egg front today, we've had:
2 Call Duck
1 Turkey (which I went and broke!)
2 Lavender Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Millifluer Pekin
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Frisian Fowl

I've not counted up the eggs I have at the moment, but I should have enough to set Incubator 2 asap after the move (hopefully Sunday)

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