Sunday 19 May 2013

Incubator 1 candled

 I candled incubator 1 tonight and am very pleased with the results. 12 out of 12 Runner Duck, 5 out of 6 East Indian Duck and 9 out of 10 Call Duck eggs were fertile. One Call Duck egg was cracked too, so now down to 8 Call Ducks. Extremely happy with the Ebay eggs :)

Apart from cleaning drinkers and feeders today, I've done nothing with the birds as We went to a family baptism this afternoon with a bit of Karaoke afterwards....and yes, I did get up and sing (well try to lol).

Eggs have been thin on the ground again with just
1 Turkey
1 Millefluer Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl

I've not seen a single egg form the ducks for a week, so I think they're probably laying in the pond...I'll have to keep them shut up for longer in the mornings.

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