Friday 3 May 2013

More duckling drama and xmas dinner hatched

Went to the shed this morning and the bloody broody was off the eggs and the duckling again and the poor thing was dead, so we were down to no Call Ducklings :(. One hatched in the incubator this afternoon, but I'm not going to put her with the broody as I just don't trust her to not let it get chilled.

Incubator 1 has been hatching well already with a Poland, 2 Lavender Pekins, 1 Call Duck, 1 Buff Pekin and our Turkey :). With most of the others either pipped or cheeping away in the shells.

It's been a nice day of no work in the garden today (other than cleaning out the brooders)
On the egg front, we've had
2 Call Duck
1 Turkey
1 Buff Pekin
1 Lavender Pekin
2 Millifluer Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl

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