Wednesday 15 May 2013

We're back :)

The move went very smoothly, although very tiring and time consuming. It took us 3 loads of the van to get all our stuff to the new house,  but by Sunday evening, everything was moved and the birds were in temporary pens. We've now managed to get downstairs sorted out but we still have the childrens things to put away and outside needs some work.

The ducks love their new pond, but sadly we did have 2 casualties of the move, both our Mandarin girl and our Lemon Millifluer Sablepoot girl have past away due (we think) to the stress. The other birds all seem to be doing fine and we're getting a few eggs.

I plan on building my new brooders in the shed over the next few days, which will be much better, as they'll be more spacious and tidier than the dog cages and rabbit hutches we have been using.

I do have lots of plans for the garden with all new pens and housing, but this will have to take a back burner for a few weeks whilst we ger the house sorted. The birds seem happy enough in their temporary homes, so there's no panic to get things done.

I did manage to get incubator 2 running on Monday and Incubator 2 on Tuesday
Incubator 1 has the following eggs in it:
12 Runner Duck
5 East Indian Ducks
10 Call Duck

Which are due to hatch on June 11
 Incubator 2 has

11 Yokohama Bantam
3 Friesian Fowl
8 Millifluer Pekin
10 Lavender Pekin
2 Buff Pekin
1 Black Pekin
5 Pekin eggs from our birds when the girls we're kept together on Saturday

These are due to hatch on June 3.
 We also added 4 Turkey eggs to incubator 2 on Tuesday, so they will be due to hatch at the same time as the ducks

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