Thursday 2 May 2013

We DID have 2 Call Ducklings, now back down to 1 :(

Another Call Duckling hatched last night just before I went to bed, but when I got up this morning, the broody was over the other side of the hutch off the eggs which were stone cold and the duckling was dead too, it couldn't have happened long after hatching as the duckling wasn't fluffed up. So to be on the safe side, I have removed the 3 remaining eggs and put them in the incubator and stuck a couple of Pekin eggs in with the broody in case she misses the eggs. 1 of the eggs has externally pipped and 1 has internally pipped, but I've not seen any movement in that egg for a good few hours. I would suspect the other egg is dead, but I'll keep it in there for now.

I have finished sorting out the garden today, so now there is nothing left to do out there until the day before we move. The Black Pekin's pen has come down and I've taken apart and burned the Lavender Pekins house and have put them in a temporary house. I have just had another big bonfire and burned all the wood I won't be needing. So tomorrow I can help packing things up in doors.

Our Turkey egg has pipped :) and the Polish egg is cheeping away too, no signs from any of the other eggs yet.

Talking of eggs, today we have had
1 Call Duck
1 Turkey
1 Buff Pekin
2 Lavender Pekin
1 Friesian Fowl

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