Wednesday 29 May 2013

Long time, no post!

Well, it's been a while since the last post. We have been busy sorting the house out, so not
had much time online.Last week we had a visit from the council planning department saying that they have had a complaint about our chickens. He had a look around, took some photo's and said he'd be in touch, as he needed to seek advice as he had never dealt with something like this before. So we have decided to preempt them and sell off our breeding groups and our Turkeys So far our Turkeys have found a lovely new home and we'll be getting eggs from them every year to hatch. The White Pekins have gone too and someone is picking up the Millefluer and Lavender Pekins on Sunday. We also have a deal in the pipeline for the Yokohama Bantams and Friesian Fowl, so that will leave just the Buff Pekins. We are going to keep the Silkies and our young Serama growers, but for other breeds, we shall be buying eggs in to hatch and raise. We still don't know who complained and why?, we had only been here a week and a half before the man from he council came round. We keep the cockerels in a soundproof shed until at least 9:30 in the morning, there is no noise heard from outside when they are in the shed. I guess some people are just miserable!

We are also going to concentrate of breeding ducks. We have not decided which breeds yet, but we're thinking about 5 or 6 different breeds. We have our Call Ducks. have Runners and East Indies in the incubator and got a young trio of Cayuga's today

Incubator 2 is due to hatch on Monday, I candled the eggs last night and there is 24 looking good.
We also have the following birds for sale
6-8 week old Pekins in Lavender, Buff, White, Gold Partridge and Cuckoo
6 week old Legbars
10 week old Lemon Millefluer Sablepoots
POL Buff Pekins
3 Call x Ducks

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