Monday 6 May 2013

First 1, then 2, then 1 now 0 ducklings :(

The poor little duckling just seemed to keel over and die today, no idea why as it was looking quite strong and the sticky eyes had cleared up, I guess there must have been infection somewhere :(

The weather has been lovely today and our 4 and 5 week old growers have been out in a run enjoying the weather and grass :)

As usual for this week, we have been busy sorting out and packing for our move on Saturday, most of downstairs is all packed now and ready to go, we just need to tackle the kids bedrooms and the back shed.

I was looking out of the window today and felt quite sad at how depleted the garden looks now that I have got rid of 3/4's of our chickens and taken down 15 runs and houses :(, I've take pics below where you can see before and after. Of course, I am excited about getting stuck in in the new place and having a blank canvas to make all new runs and houses for our birds. Also looking forward to having a nice brick shed that will be perfect for a hatchery and brooder room

Tomorrow, I plan on dismantling the growers house and run. We only have 4 birds in there at the moment, so they will be going into a double hutch for a few days. The house and run (a converted dog kennel and run) is quite bulky, so I think it's a good idea to take it down now rather than rushing around on Saturday morning when we're trying to load up the van.

We've had the following eggs today:
2 Call Duck
1 Turkey
2 Millifluer Pekin
1 Buff Pekin
1 Yokohama Bantam
1 Friesian Fowl

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