Saturday 18 May 2013

Brooder is complete and incubator 2 candling

 I finished making the brooder yesterday and the chicks seem to love it. I was so knackered by the time I finished everything yesterday, I just ended up going straight to bed.

Been another busy day today with sorting out the shed and putting a couple of shelves up in there. Still want to put more shelves up but will do that another time.

I candled the eggs in incubator 2 and have take out 10. 6 of the Millifluer Pekin were clear (probably their first eggs), 2 unmarked and 1 Lavender Pekin were also clear. I Yokohama Bantams was clear and 1 had a blood ring. All the others seem to be doing ok. The Turkey eggs are still to early to tell

I also had a peek at incubator 1 (the ducks eggs) and it's looking promising, I'll candle them properly tomorrow.

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