Saturday 4 May 2013

Another 10 babies added to the brooder

We woke up this morning to 12 babies in the incubator. There was 1 Yokohama Bantam, the Call Duckling that hatched yesterday and the rest were Pekins. All are now enjoying the warmth and food in the brooder :). There's 6 eggs left in the incubator, but I'm pretty sure they're all DIS. I shall keep it running overnight just to be sure.

Been busy packing today, as it's only a week until we move, so haven't really been out with the birds much today.

The eggs we've had so far today (not checked for about 3 hours)
1 Lavender Pekin
2 Buff Pekin
1 Turkey
 I'm sure the Call Ducks have both laid, but I can't find where they've hidden them and I also think one or two of the Millifluer Pekins have probably laid too.

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