Saturday 1 June 2013

Had a lovely day out today and came back with ducks!

We had a lovely day out at Manor Farm today. We went there last year, but the weather was rubbish so didn't get to enjoy it so much, anyway, this time, the weather was wonderful and it was great to see all the animals, especially the pigs with their piglets.....if only we could've smuggled one out. We did end up leaving there with 7 Runner Ducklings though. We just couldn't resist them, in fact, we would've had 9, but they wanted to keep a couple for the visitors to see.

When we got back (after a little lie down), I had a bit of a sort out. I have increased the duck pen by 20 x 14 feet and let the Silkies roam around in there. I have also put the Serama's into the hutch that the Silkies were in because they kept jumping out of their pen and hiding everywhere I can't find them. They seem to like their new home though :).

Tomorrow is a bit of a sad day for me, as we'll be saying goodbye to our Lavender and Millefluer Pekins and our Yokohama Bantams. On the plus side though, I got a letter from the council planners to say that what we had in the garden when they visited and our plans for it were all ok. So we could've kept all that we had, but we both feel that the time is right to move on our breeding groups, just buy eggs in to hatch and concentrate on our ducks. We plan on building new covered pens and fencing it in more, so can't be seen by the neighbours, then we'll gradually introduce some new breeding groups and see how it goes.

Incubator 2 is now on lock down and due to hatch on Monday and I have moved the Turkey eggs over to incubator 1 with the duck eggs.

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