Friday 7 June 2013

Day 24 and cheeping from the Call Duck eggs

 We have cheeping coming from one of our Call Duck eggs in incubator 1 and lots of movement in others, I'm trying to leave the eggs alone this time, so hopefully we'll have a successful hatch, along with Eat Indies and Runners and of course, we have 4 Turkey eggs due too.

Not been doing much with the birds this week as we've been busy laying carpets etc and besides, I've not got many birds to look after at the moment :(. It's definately the lowest number of chickens I have had for years, including youngsters and cockerels, we only have 12 chickens at the moment. Hopefully that will increase on the 15th with the sale at Salisbury.

The Runner Ducks have settled in well and grouped up with the Cayuga's, and last night for the first time I managed to shepherd them into bed instead of having to catch them all!.

Incubator 3 has now gone back to it's owner...thanks mate!, so the eggs I had in there have now been put in incubator 2 along with the rest of our Lavender Pekin, Buff Pekin, Millefluer Pekin eggs and some Blue Pekin and Chocolate Pekin. I have also added 6 L/F Brahma, 6, Poercelain and 6 Le Fleche eggs, which are currently double stacking incubator 2, but will go into incubator 1 once the duck hatch is complete. Incubator 2 is due to hatch on the 23rd and 24th of June with the 18 going in incubator 1 due on the 25th (my Birthday)

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