Monday 3 June 2013

Incubator disaster :(

We seemed to have a spike in the temperature on Saturday where the incubator reached 42 degree's. We have no idea what caused the spike, but anyway, cracked open the eggs that were due today as we'd seen no progress since lock down and all 22 of the eggs remaining in the incubator were dead :(. Needless to say, I'm a bit pee'd off!!!

We set incubator 3 yesterday with just a few eggs: 5 Buff Pekin, 4 Lavender Pekin and 9 Friesian Fowl, but if there is space, I shall put them incubator 2 when I set it again tonight.

We said goodbye yesterday to our lovely Lavender and Millifluer Pekins and my favourite Yokohama
Bantams, as they've all gone to their new homes in Kent. I was hoping to raise some of the Yokohama chicks from incubator 2, but that's now gone out of the window :(.

I managed to build a feed shelter for the duck enclosure today, as we have the Silkies roaming around in there too, we thought we better try to keep the food dry, as they're not keen on soggy pellets!. Talking of Silkies, I witnessed something I didn't think possible yesterday, as I was moving by the pond, 2 of the Silkies jumped straight in and swam to the other side!!!. I had to fish them out as they couldn't quite make it, but both sat in the corner of the enclosure looking rather wet and feeling sorry for themselves for the next 2 hours!. They're both dry and absolutely fine today, although I don't think they'll be going for another swim any time soon!.

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