Sunday 9 June 2013

The first ducklings are here :)

We've had the arrival of 3 ducklings so far today, first was a Runner, then followed by 2 Call Ducks. At the moment there are 2 more Runner Ducks pipped and an East Indian Duck currently zipping it's way around the shell, so hopefully will be out tonight. Most of the others have internally pipped and we expect more to hatch over the next couple of days. One of the Turkey eggs has also pipped.

Been busy this weekend helping to lay carpet and decorating our bedroom as well as making a gate to the garden. As it was, it meant having people traipse through the house, so we thought it would be better to have direct access to the garden. Which also helps alot when mowing the front garden and getting any big items into the garden.

We still have more decorating to do throughout the week, but once that's done, hopefully we can relax a bit.

I have also put another 6 eggs in incubator 2. 6 Buff Mottled Sablepoots from a very kindly neighbour and chicken friend of ours. so it looks like we'll be having a week long hatch at the end of the week.

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