Sunday 3 February 2013

The incubation round goes 'round and 'round

 I have just set Incubator 1 again, this time I have put the following in:

2 Blue Wyandotte Bantam
3 Light Sussex Bantam
2 Buff Pekin
2 Black Pekin
3 Crele Pekin
6 Lemon Millifluer Sablepoot
4 Cuckoo Pekin

I might have some Legbar eggs to fertility test for someone tomorrow, so have had to leave space for them in the incubator. I also have some Serama eggs coming, so they'll be added on Tuesday. I usually add eggs over a 3 day period, so will also add anymore crele or black Pekin eggs I get. I've got another 4 cuckoo Pekin eggs, these will be going on ebay tomorrow (assuming I'll have they lay another egg tomorrow), so by the time the auction is finished, they'll be 6 ready to send out. I also have more Sablepoot and OEG bantam eggs, but I am swapping these for the Serama eggs. Once those are out of the way, I'll be saving eggs again for Incubator 2 which is due to hatch next Monday.

The 4 week olds had their first taste of outside yesterday, as it was actually dry for once and I needed somewhere to put them whilst I cleaned out there brooder. They are seem to be doing very well and I will be taking a good look this week to see if I can sex them. I'm already pretty sure the Silver Partridge Pekin is a girl.

I'm also picking up a husband for our Poland girl tomorrow and have sorted out a gorgeous looking blue Pekin cockerel. Anyone that know's me, know's that I love blue chickens, so I am really looking forward to getting him, I'll have to sort out something to put with him, but in theory, whatever colour I use with the blue cockerel should produce 50% blue chicks and 50% black chicks.

On a non chicken note: My wife has just completed her latest novel, which will be available to buy online soon, when it's ready for publishing, we will be offering a free copy to 10 readers of the blog, all we ask is that they kindly and honestly review it on Amazon for us.

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