Saturday 23 February 2013

Incubator 1 hatching

We've had 8 chicks out so far today.

2 Blue Wyandotte Bantams
3 Light Sussex Bantams
1 Legbar
1 Sablepoot
1 Buff Pekin

Plenty more are pipped, so expect more to hatch throughout the evening and tomorrow.

As mentioned a few days ago, I gave my 2 Poland boys a haircut today, didn't give them a full crop, just cut some feathers around there eyes, so they'll be able to see better and it also reduces the risk of eye infection.

One of our Call Ducks laid an egg this morning, not sure if it's the white or apricot as they are currently all housed together, so me being one for not wasting a single egg, have moved the Sablepoots out of the shed and put one of our Silver Partridge Pekin girls in there with 5 pot eggs to try and encourage her to go broody, so I can put the duck eggs under her, as I'm not keen on incubating them because it'll tie up an incubator for 26 days or so for half a dozen eggs (if they lay anymore) that may or may not hatch.
 The other ducks didn't materialise today, so not sure what's happening with them. If they do arrive, the pics will be posted on here.

Away from the chickens, I've been working really hard on my wifes website today. I've finally got the structure and layout how I planned it and have been working on the content. It should all be done in a few days

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