Tuesday 12 February 2013

More chickies :)

 Woke up this morning to another 4 chicks, so 5 more to go now. 1 Light Sussex Bantam (I think) pipping, Yokohama - Internally pipped. Sablepoot and Cuckoo Pekin, should can see them pressing on the membrane, but not through to the airsack yet and finally 1 Welsummer Bantam egg - Not sure, the other 5 have hatched, so sound from this one, but the egg is very speckled, so hard to candle clearly.

The first picture is our Lebgar chick, which I think is a girl.

Managed to get quite a few cleaned out today and moved the Polands to the pen the little Light Sussex bantams were in, as his crow is rather shrill and they're we're closest to our bedroom window!. The picture below is the little Light Sussex Bantams that I mentioned yesterday, they're around a quarter of the size of our other Light Sussex Bantams (probably about half the size of a pekin). No idea why this is?, maybe just the growing on over winter and they'll shoot up in the spring?. They must be around 20 weeks old now. The one at the front of the pic is the one that laid the egg yesterday.

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